Human Resources

Respect for Humanity;
We act with mutual respect and trust in our internal and external relationships. We display a respectful and honorable attitude towards our employees, customers and business partners.
Equal Opportunities;
Within the framework of our company policy; in both job application and recruitment processes and in our business relations; we provide equal opportunities to everyone in a fair manner regardless of people's race, belief, political view, ethnic origin, personal thoughts, gender, life preferences, marital status, age and disability or pregnancy status. While achieving their goals, our company management and employees act in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey, international law rules and our company's business ethics rules.
To Comply with the Principle of Confidentiality;
Our employees know that the information they obtain while performing their duties must be kept confidential and take the necessary precautions to ensure that it is kept confidential and not disclosed. Printed and recorded documents, e-mails, passwords and codes, contracts, sales and purchase offers belonging to the company cannot be taken outside the company or shared with third parties. The same care is taken for all documents belonging to our customers. The confidentiality of this information continues after leaving work. Information belonging to employees is confidential. It is not shared with anyone other than authorized persons.
Acting Responsibly Towards Our Customers;
Kösemen Makine acts honestly and fairly towards all its customers in a way that provides the highest level of customer satisfaction. It is sensitive to problems. It produces fast and permanent solutions. It aims to gain the trust of the customer at the highest level. It makes the necessary effort to fulfill its promises to customers.

Our Human Resources Principles
While Kösemen Makina meets the need for manpower, it also ensures the most efficient use and continuity of this power.
- To recruit qualified human resources in line with our company's goals and strategies,
- To prioritize the motivation of our employees and their loyalty to KÖSEMEN MAKİNA,
- To follow a transparent and open management policy for our employees,
- To support personal development through continuous training,
- To create and maintain a safe, healthy and peaceful working environment for a productive work environment.